Our Mission

To identify, support, and represent promising new concepts, technologies, and products that are related to addressing major global concerns in the domains of public health, energy, and environmental protection.

Our plan

To connect like-minded non-profit organizations, reliable entities, and individuals that are directly involved in innovative ideas, and - as a collaborative effort - to formally recognize sustainable, long-term global solutions to problems in public health, energy, and environmental protection.

The rise of antimicrobial resistance is a global crisis, recognized as one of the greatest threats to health today...With few replacement products in the R&D pipeline, the world is heading towards a post-antibiotic era in which common infections will once again kill.
— Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General addressing UN (4/18/2016)


  • seminars

As part of our platform to fast-track collaboration on the critical topics of long-term global solutions, we are providing seminars and training in the far superior new generation of technologies.  These technologies are highlighted by their sustainability and lack of harm to the global community of life.  They usher in a new breed of products that have thus far been considered impossible.

  • grant giving

We work in collaboration with grantees and other partners, who share our passion for solving the critical global concerns in public health and the environment.  We can accomplish this by harnessing the new generation of science and technologies. While this new established scientific understanding is disclosed, we aim to engage with our grantees and other affiliates in a spirit of trust, candidness, and transparency.

  • laws & regulations

There is much oversight in the realm of major concerns having to do with global solutions in public health and the environment.  In order to formally recognize innovative ideas, there are laws, rights, approval processes to be aware of in all 50 states.  This is an area of expertise for us, and we can support you in this regard.

  • investigation of claims

It is our mission to independently validate and support promising new concepts, technologies, and products that help mankind enact our vision of sustainable long-term global solutions.  We live in the age of information, which also means there is much mis-information.  We represent the quest for pure science - in that we are unshackled by business concerns or biases, and are solely concerned with the solutions to major global concerns.

  • consulting support

If your business or non-profit in the fields of environment and/or public health shares our vision, and wishes to capitalize on the new generation of technologies available, we offer tailored consulting to help you cleanly execute your organization's particular mission.

  • guidance & advice

We provide public information to enable all those who wish to know about the latest scientific discoveries, and what they tell us about how to live in sustainable harmony with the world we share.  This information directly affects the major concerns of public health and the environment, and exposes many ill-fated concepts that are still being pursued worldwide.